Dina Tyler is a counselor, wellness coach, and energy healer with a special place in her heart for working with experiences often labeled as “psychosis” or “mania": altered states of consciousness, voices and visions, and spiritual emergencies.

Surviving her own oppressive and traumatizing journey through the mental health system inspired Dina to help others with non-traditional and alternative approaches. Recognized as the Peer Specialist of the Year by the National Council for Mental Well-Being in 2015, Dina's passion for wellness, empowerment, and liberation has been a driving force in more than 15 years of healing and systems advocacy work. Dina's deep understanding of the art of healing includes counseling, family support, breathwork, reiki, psychedelic integration, and support with psychiatric medications withdrawal.  

Dina also currently works as a trainer and consultant for community mental health organizations, integrating staff with personal lived experience of mental health crisis onto agency clinical teams in order to provide alternatives to hospitalization and police involvement as well as open wider doors to recovery. She was Director of Peer and Family Support Services for early psychosis and bipolar programs in four counties of the San Francisco Bay Area: San Mateo, Alameda, and San Francisco and Monterey. Dina was Co-founder of Bay Area Hearing Voices; facilitator of the Voices, Visions and Different Realities group in San Francisco for many years; was Director of The Bay Area Mandala Project; Coordinator of Big Picture Wellness, Organizer of Mad Camp, and has led trainings and given talks nationwide. 

Dina's offerings also include breathwork sessions for family members, supporters and providers seeking better understanding of altered states of consciousness and how we can hold space compassionately for intense emotions and experiences often labeled as psychosis.

To learn more about Dina’s personal journey:

Madness Radio Interview